If you want go Vaishno Devi temple then you have to go Katra which is 45 km far from Jammu in J&K state. There is railway station in Katra which is connected with Jammu. You can go Katra by train from Jammu railway Station. The fair of general tickets from Jammu to Katra is Rs.20/- only. You can go direct from New Delhi to Katra by Shree Shakti Express which is daily from New Delhi.
You can go to Katra by Bus or taxis from Jammu. Buses and taxis are available for Katra at Jammu Railway station and bus stand. The fair of bus for Katra from Jammu is Rs. 40/- to 60/- per seat. You can book any taxi from Jammu to Katra in Rs. 1000/- The distance from Jammu to Katra is approx 45 km.
After reach at Katra you can stay at dormitory dharmshala or hotels. There are approx 500 hotels in Katra around Katra bus stand. The rooms in hotels are available in Rs. 400/- to Rs.2000/- per night. Beds in dormitory dharmshala are available on Rs.100/- to Rs.110/- per bed per night. Dharmshala is in Niharika Campus, near Katra Bus Stand. These Dharmshalas are manage by Vaishno Devi Shrain Board. Dharmshalas are very neat and clean. And every dharmshals are facilated with lockers in which you can keep your heavy bags and luggage before start visit to Vaishno Devi Temple.
Katra is base land for start your journey to Vaisno Devi temple. There is no any hotels or lodges at Vaishno Devi Temple. So, do not plan to stay at Vaishno Devi Temple. All hotels are in Katnra only. Vaishno Devi temple is situated at a mountain. You have to prepare yourself for 11 km long walk from Katra to Vaishno Devi Temple.
Before start “Yaatraa” to Vaishno Devi Temple, you have to take “Yatra Parchi” from Katra. This “Yatra Parchi” is available near Bus stand, Katra. This is free and no need to submit any document for take this “Yatra Parchi”. This “Yatra Parchi” is valid for 6 hour before start your Yatra. “Yatra Parchi” is available from 5. am to 10 pm.
After take “Yatra Parchi” you can start your Yatra to Vaishno Devi temple by on foot or horses or “Palki”. There are thousands of horses available at Katra for lift you up to halfway of Vaishno Devi temple. All horses go up to “Ardh Kunwari” which is situated at half of way to Vaishno Devi Temple. After reach “Ardh Kunwari” you can take another horse for Vaishno Devi Temple. The fair of one horse for half way is vary from Rs. 400/- to 600/- on availability and bargaining. “Palki” is best for very old person. But Palki service is available on Rs. 3000/- to 4000/-.
The way to Shree Vaishno Devi Temple is continuously upward.There are thousands of shops for water, cold driks, juice, fruits, dry fruits, tea-coffee, breakfast, lunch, medicals, body-massage etc on the way to Vaishno Devi temple. If you do your yatra on foot then you can complete your journey at 5 or 6 hours.
Total way is made by roads and approx 70% way is shaded by metal sheets for prevent sunshine and rain. Total way is iron grilled packed so do not fear about fall in deep ditch.
After reach at Shree Vaishno Devi temple, take Prasadam from Prasadam Center. Prasadam are available in Rs, 40/-, Rs. 25/- and Rs. 10/- packet After that, refresh yourself in washroom. After refresh, you can get entry in main building for worship by entry door.
There are three places, for “Darshan” of Mata Vaishno Devi the temple campus. First is an Idol of Devi Durga. Second is a cave. And third place is situated in a long cave which is most important. After darshan at all three places you may come out by exit gate. During exit you will get Prasadam from temple.
There is a restaurant in Vaishno Devi temple for breakfast and lunch. There is a big hall in temple campus, where you can take rest for night.
Bhairon Baba temple is four kilometer far from Viashno Devi Temple. This temple is very important also. Many devotees go Bhairon Baba temple after worship at Shree Vaisno Devi temple.
You can return from Vaishno Devi Temple direct or via Bhairon Baba Temple. The resturemt and hotels provide 24 hours services for customres. You’ll never feel alone in Katra. Law and Orders at Katra is good. Katra is a big market and every thing is available in this market.
How To Travel To Shree Vaishno Devi Temple, Katra, Jammu